Words of Wisdom
The Bible
Snack food?
Grabbing a snack between meals is fine, unless we snack too much. Eventually, our bodies crave healthy food. Without nutrition, our bodies fail to develop properly. Likewise, our spiritual lives fail to develop properly if we only snack on Bible verses and daily devotionals. For example, looking for verses to guide us for the day, makes us feel good, and daily devotionals are great but they are not enough to keep us strong. I met one woman who told me, “I meet with God every morning on Facebook. We’re good.”
Just as missing satisfying meals is a destructive habit, so is not spending enough time alone with the Lord. Think about it. How can a healthy, close relationship with God develop? How can you know His will for your life? If you walk around spiritually hungry and weak, you lack strength and desire to know God, making spiritual growth impossible.
Get to know the Lord, Jesus, the Savior, your Strength, your Hope, your Help, the One who truly loves you, the Light of the world, the Most, High God! Think about the great meal you may be missing right now! Eat the bread of life and be fed to the fullest. Jesus said, it is a promise: “he who comes to Me will not hunger.”
Come to Jesus! He loves you so much. Trust Him.